Resources for Exhausted Front-line Workers During the COVID-19 Outbreak

Photo by 烧不酥在上海 老的 on Unsplash

Photo by 烧不酥在上海 老的 on Unsplash

This one’s for the cashiers. The janitors. The delivery drivers. The food packagers and the gas station attendants.  It’s for the doctors, the nurses, therapists and front desk crew at the ER. To anyone who’s working overtime while the world stands still in fear, we want to sincerely thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

While half of your friends and loved ones are unemployed and figuring out what to do with newfound free time, you’re working round the clock. You’re overwhelmed, burned out, and constantly worried. We see you and we want to thank you for putting yourself in the front lines during a pandemic. You are essential. 

We’ve compiled a short list of community resources that will hopefully help you get through the coming weeks.

Mental health sessions at free or reduced rates for frontline workers

Seattle COVID Worker Care Network 

Washington COVID-19 Mental Health Network

CORONAVIRUS online therapy

Project Parachute: Pro Bono Teletherapy for COVID-19 Frontliners

Free mindfulness apps and workout videos 

If you have time after a long shift, take a yoga class and stretch it out with the following free resources -

Downdog App is offering free workout videos through July 1st.

Headspace has free access to meditations through 2020.

The YMCA regularly releases free workout videos.

Orangetheory helps you work your whole body in 40-ish minute segments.

Free food and additional perks for frontline workers

Food freebies according to Business Insider

Additional perks listed in the Seattle PI

We hope that you are able to find time for yourself to reset on a regular basis. To say that you deserve it is an understatement.

The Tribe at People Bloom