frontline workers

Why People Seek Counseling in Two Simple Words

Photo by Sylas Boesten on Unsplash

Photo by Sylas Boesten on Unsplash

The struggle is real

It goes without saying that the need for mental health counseling has increased exponentially given the pandemic. Racial trauma, political stress and gun violence have also added to the hurt, grief, trauma, anger and fear. These stressors exacerbated the problems that were already there. As I reflect on the reasons why people are seeking counseling now more than ever before, it comes down to two words: 

Being Human.

Our needs are real

If Abraham Maslow were still alive, he would’ve seen how the many stressors in recent history challenged multiple needs in his hierarchy, also known as the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs. As humans, we have basic needs for access to clean air, water, food, clothing, warmth and shelter. We want to feel safety and security in our employment, have access to resources, assets and good health. We desire closeness, connection and intimacy in relationships. We long to be seen, recognized, respected and treated with equity. We want to live to our full potential and leave behind a legacy.

The threats are real

Unemployment threatens access to basic needs and our sense of security. Eviction threatens shelter in a time when we need to quarantine. Too much time together with family threatens the need for personal space. Living by ourselves threatens our need for connection. Sickness, violence and death threaten health, relationships and legacy. Inequity and injustice bring up the historical and ongoing trauma that threaten the sense of belongingness, worthiness and need for access among marginalized groups.

Being human

If you’re struggling with one or more of these areas of your life, you’re being human. If you need help, that makes sense and we’re here for you. If finances or insurance is a concern, we have sliding scale spots through OpenPath Collective. If you need to slide lower than what we can offer through OpenPath, come in through this program and talk to your therapist. We’ll see what we can work out. 

People-Bloom-Counseling-Redmond-Ada Pang.png

Ada Pang is the proud owner of People Bloom Counseling, a Redmond psychotherapy practice. She helps unhappy couples find safety and connection in their relationship. She also helps cancer thrivers and their caregivers integrate cancer into their life stories. She sometimes takes a break from everything that’s going on and turns to baking. She has made the same Earl Grey Yogurt Cake many times, varying the oil and sugar levels, using almond milk vs yogurt and substituting flax eggs for real eggs. By now, she enjoys seeing how her experiment turns out more than the eating of it. 

What to Do when your Self-Care Activities Don’t Work

Photo by Alex Geerts on Unsplash

Photo by Alex Geerts on Unsplash

Most of us are not doing well

Back in July, I wrote about us entering the chronic stage of this global pandemic. Now a couple more months have passed and things are not much better. The smoke eclipsed the short summer we had left and last night’s first presidential debate was utter chaos. In light of all this, I should mention there are some people who are doing surprisingly well while social distancing, meeting online, and taking things in stride. But, that’s not most of us.

At best, many people are dipping in and out of feeling okay. At worst, they never adjusted and have been struggling since March. In the middle are people who rode the wave of crisis for a while and adapted, except the crisis never let up and they’re on the trajectory to burnout if not already there. 

2020 has been one hell of a year and we still have one more quarter to go. The quarter where Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) makes a comeback with the shorter days; the quarter where the next president will be determined; the quarter where some families will grieve their first holiday without their loved ones.

Zoom turkey is just not the same. 

You’re normal

If you’re struggling, you’re human. Some of the most ambitious, competent, adaptable and resilient people I know are struggling. It doesn’t mean you can’t hack it, because you likely have been through other trying times and made it to the other side. This time is different. It is the ripple effects of COVID, the continued disregard for Black and Brown lives, the devastating wildfires and the looming presidential election. There are countless stressful events in between that I initially listed but have decided to leave out because it gave me heart palpitations to write and re-read. If you wonder why you don’t have your shit together, it might be because you’re still processing the ramifications of the last event. Or the last few events. 

Stop trying so hard 

So, before you go off to list the self-care activities you either ought to be doing or have tried with limited results, let’s get something straight: Stop pressuring yourself to feel better. Meal prepping, going out for walks and journaling are great, but not with the undertone: This has got to work! This has helped in the past! Why can’t I get this to work?! It’s like pressuring yourself to fall asleep when you’re wide awake; good luck with that. 

Now I’m not asking you to give up, but I am urging you to approach this series of crises differently. This is not a nail you approach with a hammer or a screw you approach with a Phillips head. Rather, put down your tool and stop trying to fix things. Play Animal Crossing if you think it’s going to help you, but not because it has to. Go for a run cuz it’s a nice day out, not because you felt the runner’s high last time and you’re looking for that same effect this time. Do the activity that’s good for you, period. How you feel afterwards and whether it’ll actually help is secondary. If it does; great! If it doesn’t; it is still beneficial.

A study done on lab rats showed that even when they were forced to exercise, their mental health improved from the exercise as much as if they had chosen to hop on their wheel. How does this apply to you? Well, even if you really don't feel like it and wonder if it's even doing any good, it's better to get up and move than not. And if you can't bring yourself to do it today, there's always tomorrow. 

That brings me to my next point. 

Change your expectations 

If you have high expectations that yoga will leave you feeling all zen, and you feel just as anxious when you started if not more, then maybe you’ve tuned into all that your body was holding. These are not normal times and your usual or new coping strategies are not supposed to have the same effect. You also don’t have to do the right thing all the time. That’s exhausting. If you want some chocolate, have some chocolate. Don’t feel like jumping on that family Zoom call? Skip it. You don’t have it in you to show up for work today? Take a mental health day. You don’t have to be firing on all cylinders right now. Like, what cylinders? 

Do things that actually give you spoons

Lastly, not all coping mechanisms are created equal. If you both like to mow the lawn and you like the outcome of a mowed lawn, then all the power to you. For many other coping skills, we may like the feeling of having done it after the fact but not in the moment. So, if marinating chicken for tomorrow’s dinner feels too effortful at the moment and it will actually take away your spoons, then Trader Joe’s pre-made Koma Fish Curry sounds pretty good and just needs a trip in the microwave. The dishes are too much today? Let’s try again tomorrow. Instead, watch three episodes of Queer Eye over a frozen burrito. It might just replenish your spoons. Might. 

We’re here for you 

If you need help with your self-care activities, our trained therapists are here for you. We understand because there are times when we’re going through the same things and have needed to tap into our toolbox to stay sane. We want to help you develop yours.

People-Bloom-Counseling-Redmond-Ada Pang.png

Ada Pang is the owner of People Bloom Counseling, a Redmond psychotherapy practice. She helps unhappy couples find safety and connection in their relationship. She also helps cancer thrivers and their caregivers integrate cancer into their life stories. She recently dyed her hair at home to switch things up. The last time she dyed her own hair was in high school. While it didn’t make everything better and it wasn’t supposed to, it was something she is reminded of everyday. It did help. A bit.

Build your Wellness Toolbox to Help you Stay Sane in 2020

Photo by Bookblock on Unsplash

Photo by Bookblock on Unsplash

What a year it has been!

2020 has been a hell of a year with the health pandemic, too many COVID-related deaths, business closures, massive unemployment and pending evictions. Black and brown lives continue to matter as protests broke out in all 50 states to seek justice for George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and too many others. Rioting and/or looting followed in some states.

And we’re only in June.

Introducing WRAP

What do we need to do to stay sane so we can keep going? When there is so much hurt going on, we have less tolerance for more things to go wrong. Adapting from the model of Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP), we can all use a wellness toolbox right now. Initially, WRAP was developed to help people with mental health struggles to live full, meaningful lives. It has since been adapted to help people with all kinds of physical and emotional challenges.

And if we are honest with ourselves, current circumstances are most certainly challenging all of us physically, emotionally and socially right now.

You may be thinking that self-care and wellness rituals only make it easier to hide from or turn a blind eye to the troubles around us. The opposite is true: do these things to help you maintain from day-to-day, so you can go out (or stay in) and continue to contribute to your life, your family, your community in the best way you know how.

The elements of WRAP

Develop a wellness toolbox

List everything you can think of that helps you feel better. Here are a sample from my list:

  • Draw

  • Watch a movie

  • Go out for a walk

  • Connect with my friends and family

  • Travel

And the list goes on. List as many things as you can think of, big and small. Even ones you can’t do right now in quarantine can spark other creative ideas. Keep going until you run out of ideas.

Describe yourself when you’re well

Sometimes it’s hard to remember what you’re like when you’re feeling well. This is especially the case when you’re overwhelmed and a “hot mess”. Here is how I’d describe myself when I’m having a good enough day:

  • Loving

  • Focused

  • Funny

  • Patient

  • Thoughtful

It doesn’t have to be your best day, but when you’re feeling relatively well, how would you describe yourself? Write those down. You don’t have to stop at just five qualities. Keep going.

Make a daily maintenance list

From your wellness toolbox, pick tools to put on your daily maintenance list to help you stay as well as possible. Think about these as being your absolute necessities: things you need to do everyday to help you maintain. Here are mine:

  • Get at least 7.5 hours of sleep

  • Eat healthy homemade meals at least two out of three meals

  • Hug and kiss my husband

  • Have my morning cup of coffee

  • Vary my working position between sitting and standing

While these items are not the ones previously listed, they’re definitely in my wellness toolbox. I’m simply putting down different items to show you the variety. There are no right or wrong answers, only the tools that work for you. Your daily maintenance list needs to be your non-negotiables: If a day or two goes by without doing items on this list, you’ll feel it.

Make a weekly maintenance list

Deviating from the WRAP model for a moment, I’m going to add a weekly maintenance list. There are simply some things that don’t need to be done daily, but if you wait too long to get to them, the impact is greater than the activity itself. Here’s what’s on my weekly maintenance list, ideas still generated from my wellness toolbox:

  • Do a cardio workout 3x a week

  • Date night

  • Cook 2-3x a week

  • Do 1-2 loads of laundry

  • Get a sushi takeout

While it’s possible to go on to list my monthly maintenance list which would involve a lot of bill payments, you get the idea. Especially during a global crisis when the day feels long and the month feels short, planning for what you’d need in the short-term can help you function better.

Identify your triggers

In a recent post, I noted what’s really going on when we’re emotionally triggered. Here’s a short video of me summarizing the same ideas:

Within WRAP, you might not be identifying all the elements of your emotional triggers. However, it still helps to know when something might be upsetting you. Do you know what gets you stressed out and emotionally riled up? Here’s my list:

  • A sink full of dishes on the night I’m scheduled to cook (it’s true)

  • Videos and articles of injustice against black and brown people

  • Comments by POTUS deliberately trying to cause division and chaos within our country and in opposition to the rest of the world

  • Self-comparison with others, even though where they are or what they have are not even things I care for

  • Small quarrels with people I care about

Triggers are often unexpected, but they can also be the result of us spending too much time on social media, reading the news, or otherwise surpassing a threshold of an activity that is no longer healthy for us. Take some time to notice what your triggers are. Write them down.

Notice your early warning signs

When triggered and you find yourself feeling worse and worse, it helps to know all the early warning signs that you’re not doing well. It’s one thing to be triggered and to bounce back from it; it’s another to spiral downward and for a bad mood to linger much longer. Here are my early warning signs when I’m not doing so well:

  • I get more emotional

  • I default to my old ways

  • I frequent the snack table

  • I’m more short with my husband

  • I keep to myself more

Since the pandemic, my post about A Life Worth Living: What to do When Faced with Thoughts of Suicide became the 3rd most frequented page on our website. For some people, early warning signs include thoughts of suicide. If that’s you, please get help. Tell somebody. Reach out. There are other options. We all have early warning signs that things are getting out of hand. What are yours? Take some time with that.

Make a plan to recover

When you’re losing it, the tools you use will need to be different from the ones on your daily maintenance plan. Think about the things that will help you get through these tough times. This is often the opportunity to involve people around you, if you haven’t done so already. Since the pandemic, I’ve needed to tap into my own recovery plan. I learned a few things about myself along the way:

  • Ask my friends for a card or a care package

  • Be honest about my needs and wants

  • Allow myself the space to cry

  • Talk to my therapist

  • Get help from my mentors

Refer back to the earlier descriptions of you when you’re well. What’s going to help you get back to the place of feeling like yourself again? Even if you’ve slept it off but you’re feeling more or less better, I’d still encourage you to work down the list on your recovery plan. Just because you’re feeling better in a moment does not mean you can sustain it. All the dominos that led to you spiraling will not go away on their own. We need to proactively take extra good care of you. Consider this mental health first aid.

The rest of WRAP

The WRAP model goes on to encourage people to formulate a crisis plan if you can’t take care of yourself, which could include hospitalization to keep you or other people safe. There’s also a component about a post-crisis plan to help you return home safely and how to stay safe. These last elements are beyond the scope of this blog and require a conversation with a trained mental health professional.

Please, if you’re feeling suicidal, consider the following resources:

If you need help building your Wellness Toolbox

Life isn’t always kind, especially now. If you need help building your Wellness Toolbox, we’ve got trained counselors who can help you through this difficult time. Don’t wait until you’re at the end of your rope to get help.

People Bloom Counseling Redmond Couples Cancer Ada Pang.png

Ada Pang is the owner of People Bloom Counseling, a Redmond psychotherapy practice. She helps unhappy couples find safety and connection in their relationship. She also helps cancer thrivers and their caregivers integrate cancer into their life stories. A newer item in her wellness toolbox has been drawing, more specifically, drawing her dish rack.

What's Really Going on When You're Emotionally Triggered

Photo by Mike Von on Unsplash

Photo by Mike Von on Unsplash

It doesn’t take much to be triggered

We’re still in the middle of a global pandemic and it doesn’t take a lot to get triggered. People are not following social distancing rules. You and your partner can’t agree on how much precaution you need to take. Your parents don’t understand the severity of the situation. On top of all that, there are the stories of George Floyd, Christian Cooper, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor. And the list goes on. 

The thing is, it’s not a matter of if you get emotionally triggered but when. When you’re triggered, it helps to slow down for a moment and notice the following*: 

  1. What is your trigger? What are you reacting to? What is making you feel uneasy, riled up or vulnerable? We do not all get triggered the same way by the same things. Identify your trigger.

  2. What is your body telling you? It takes a fraction of a second for an alarm bell to show up in our bodies. Where are you feeling the sensation in your body? Some people talk about their muscles tensing up, their stomach fluttering, their chest feeling heavy. Your body is trying to tell you something is off. Listen to it.

  3. What do you tell yourself? What often follows is an internal monologue. “Do people know how important it is to wear masks?” “Why is my mom going out again like it’s business as usual?” “Black. People. Dead. Not. Again.” Whatever you tell yourself, notice it. 

  4. What are you feeling? See if you can trace an emotion to what just happened. What are you feeling? Frustration. Annoyance. Anger. Indignant. Whatever is showing up, they’re valid emotions.

  5. What else are you feeling? Feelings are like layers of an onion. On the surface, you might be feeling some emotions initially. If we were to really dig deep, we often find that there are deeper emotions like sadness, hurt, fear and pain.

  6. What do you want to do? Like a knee jerk reaction, you might want to yell, to lecture your mom, to seek justice. Whatever you might want to do, know that there’s a difference between wanting to do something and actually doing it. 

  7. What do you really need? Is there a resolution you’re seeking?
    I want people to know that as a nurse, we almost lost a dear colleague and we’ve lost too many patients to COVID. The grief is too great. I don’t want to see you in urgent care. Please follow CDC guidelines.”
    Mom, I get scared when you are out and about and not maintaining social                distancing because I don’t want to lose you.” 
    Black. Lives. Matter. We don’t get to stop spreading this message, not even for a health pandemic. We’re tired of losing our men and women. We’re sad and we’re afraid. We need you to know that we matter, not in spite of our skin color but simply because we do. We. Matter. We are an important part of society.

Slowing down and taking notice

Often, we go from trigger to action in a matter of seconds without really slowing down and noticing what’s going on for us. When you do take stock of your trigger, your body’s response, your narrative, your feelings, your action tendencies and your needs, you might find that there are various ways to deal with an external situation that that you initially may have felt you have no control over.  Even if you were to notice just some of these elements, that’s still more helpful than none at all. 

This is an exercise that needs to be experienced, rather than intellectualized. Whether it’s a systemic problem in the world or an issue in your relationship or in your individual life, how you respond to triggers is important. If you’re feeling stuck and you need help figuring out your responses, our counselors are here to help. 

With a heavy, heavy heart,

*Ideas borrowed from Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for couples and individuals.

If there’s a way to Tell Frontline Workers They’re Doing a Phenomenal Job

You’re doing more than a good job. You’re phenomenal. 

You're the engine that makes all things go
And you're always in disguise, my hero
I see your light in the dark
Smile in my face when we all know it's hard
There's no way to ever pay you back
Bless your heart, know I love you for that
Honest and selfless
I don't know if this helps it, but

Good job, you're doin' a good job, a good job
You're doin' a good job
Don't get too down
The world needs you now
Know that you matter, matter, matter, yeah
You're doin' a good job, a good job
You're doin' a good job
Don't get too down
The world needs you now
Know that you matter, matter, matter, yeah

Six in the morning
And soon as you walk through that door
Everyone needs you again
The world's out of order
It's not as sound when you're not around
All day on your feet, hard to
Keep that energy, I know
When it feel like the end of the road
You don't let go
You just press forward

You're the engine that makes all things go
And you're always in disguise, my hero
I see your light in the dark
Smile in my face when we all know it's hard
There's no way to ever pay you back
Bless your heart, know I love you for that
Honest and selfless
I don't know if this helps it, but 

Good job, you're doin' a good job, a good job
You're doin' a good job
Don't get too down
The world needs you now
Know that you matter, matter, matter, yeah
You're doin' a good job, a good job
You're doin' a good job
Don't get too down
The world needs you now
Know that you matter, matter, matter, yeah 

The mothers, the fathers, the teachers that reach us
Strangers to friends that show up in the end
From the bottom to the top, the listeners that hear us
This is for you, you make me fearless

You're doin' a good job, a good job (Oh)
You're doin' a good job
Don't get too down
The world needs you now
Know that you matter, matter, matter, yeah

-Alicia Keys, ‘Good Job’

You matter, a whole lot. Thank you.

The Three Important Elements of Self-Care for All Times, but Especially Now

Image by aedrozda from Pixabay

Image by aedrozda from Pixabay

It has been over a month since our Gov. Jay Inslee issued a “stay-at-home” order” order in WA. Usually, a month goes by and we don’t even notice. But, the quote circulating around social media is funny because it’s true: it really does feel like there are five years in April. Ok maybe not five years, but it does feel like we’re on the 12th week of April at my house!

Just when you think you have transitioned, think again

Now that we’ve had six weeks of practice (or, 5 years depending on how you experience time), we should have it down by now, right?! After all, we just need to carve out a space to work from home, make a schedule of things to do with the kids, meal prep for the whole week, cook endlessly, remember to fit in workouts because that’s what healthy people do, and then repeat. No big deal. 

Just writing all that makes me want to crawl back into bed. 

Whether you’re an essential worker who’s exhausted from your shifts, someone working from home or recently unemployed, or a parent who never signed up to homeschool your kids, it has been one adjustment after another. With the constant transition of new protocols at work, no school during spring break to now five assignments a day, it can be easy to forget what self-care looks like for you. Before the pandemic, you used to know how to do this, but now it takes so much more.

Self-care according to popular culture

Most people think about self-care as eating well, sleeping well, regular exercise, meditation, etc. It is all that and then some. Taking care of your basic needs is only one aspect of taking care of yourself. While doing the basics can be stabilizing during a health crisis; you might find yourself needing more with the passing of time. While you might not feel like you have the bandwidth to do more, engaging in these activities can actually strengthen your bandwidth. 

Do productive work 

Statewide, nearly half a million people are unemployed from the coronavirus. Meanwhile, people on the frontlines might feel like they’ve worked multiple shifts in one. In either case, we’d need to redefine work. If you went from having a regular work schedule to now being out of work and stuck at home, productive work is no longer limited to paid work. Instead, it can mean navigating the unemployment website, looking for a job, scheduling out your week with activities that are a little bit challenging, but not overly so, and actually doing them. If you’re a frontline worker and you often leave work feeling like there’s more work to be done, it’s a different strategy for you as well. 

If you’re unemployed

Self-mastery is a fancy term that speaks to gaining a sense of mastery over your life by doing things that help you feel more confident and in control. This is especially crucial during a time when you did not choose your circumstances, and things are very shitty right now. Self-mastery involves doing tasks that require some effort, but you’ll feel good about yourself when you’ve done them. Here are some additional examples of productive work during our shelter-in-place:

  • Take care of your personal hygiene even if you have nowhere to go

  • Pick up and sort through mail 

  • Do laundry

  • Clean up around the house 

  • Take care of people in your home

When you don’t have income coming in, it can be tempting to stop all forms of work. But, when you engage in activities that you know need to get done, it can help you feel a sense of accomplishment, that today counted for something. It’s not meant to be life changing; but it can help move the needle forward in the slightest ways.

If you’re a frontline worker

If you’re not asked to do more during each shift, you might be “strongly urged” to pick up additional shifts. With needs that don’t seem to be letting up, it’s hard to feel like you’ve done enough after a day’s work. And no matter what you did, there were things outside of your control. Perhaps a patient died during your shift, you came back to a warehouse full of next day deliveries, you could’ve been even more thorough with disinfecting that near empty office… Did you make a dent today? 

You did. 

You did the best that you could for the day. Unless you’re a robot, your best fluctuates each day. With the current state of affairs, it’s hard to be firing on all cylinders, day after day. So productive work is more about having done your best and then coming back the next day and being okay with your best then too. 

It can also help for productive work for frontline workers to include non-paid work. Having a small project where you get to see the beginning, middle and end could help you feel like you were able to tie a bow on something. Here are some examples: 

  • Putter around in the yard and plant something 

  • Change out that burned out bulb 

  • Cook your favorite comfort food recipe

  • Clean out your garage (Yes, this can be a big ask. Even just a corner of it is enough)

  • Tackle a jigsaw puzzle that is a bit difficult for you

Engaging in these or other activities can remind you there are ways to feel accomplished outside of work. And, work is not all that there is. 

Take care of basic needs

So, what are our basic needs? It’s actually a pretty long list:

  • Rest the brain with sleep

  • Drink water

  • Stay hygienic 

  • Eat food that fuels the body 

  • Empty our bladder and bowel 

  • Feel safe in our environment 

  • Have a shelter over our head 

  • Wear comfortable clothing 

While none of the above are rocket science, we do put our bodies through a lot and expect it to bounce back. With the stress of life, we may sometimes forgo some basic needs without recognizing it. And yet, it is especially during these trying times that we need to pay close attention to our basic needs. Because, when was the time you did the following:

  • Stayed up too late or stayed in bed for too long? 

  • Felt dehydrated?

  • Fished clothing out of the dirty laundry basket?

  • Ate what you knew would make your body feel bad, ate too much or skipped meals? 

  • Held your pee or your poop when you needed to go? 

  • Ignored your body’s signals when you felt either too cold or too warm?

  • Stayed in the same posture for way too long?

When we’re not in a pandemic, we may go through moments where we ate out a lot, got little sleep, survived on energy drinks and (hopefully) recovered. When things are going awry, taking care of our basic needs is a buffer against the constant stress and illness. It doesn’t mean you have to do everything perfectly, but being mindful of the elements that are missing and being intentional about ways to bring them back would be helpful.

Make time to play

It’s not enough to do productive work and take care of your basic needs; you also need to find time to play. If you equate cleaning with play and find it exciting to meal prep many times over, these activities help, to a certain extent. You also need to laugh, to have fun, to allow room for creative endeavors. 

When there’s a shortage of time and money, here are possible solutions: 

  • Show up for a scheduled online board game

  • Work on an art project 

  • Go for a bike ride with your kids

  • Take a walk and notice the blooming flowers and young leaves

  • Try a new recipe 

  • Play your guitar, piano, cello, something

  • Try an online class that you’ve been meaning to take in person 

  • Do kids yoga as a family, even when you don’t have kids

  • Watch this short video about how a music teacher is coping with teaching online:

The key here is not to achieve something; that’s under the section of productive work. Rather, it is to have a good belly laugh, to let yourself cut loose, and to share fun times. There are enough seriousness, restraint, and unknown in the world right now. People’s opinions about COVID will always be there. You’ll hear about plans for re-entry when it comes. Trips to the grocery store aren’t going to feel normal for a while.  But when you play, you’re shaking off the cumulative stress. 

It’s the restoration we can all use right now.

Hi, I’m Ada. Here’s how I’m (trying) to practice what I preach -

  • For productive work, I wrote this blog post today.

  • For basic needs, I made too much food last week and too little this week. Next week, I might have a better handle on things. I’ll do my best then. 

  • For play, I’m taking an online class where I learn to illustrate recipes. It actually works better for my schedule. 

I hope you find your work, (body) care and play too. 


A Letter to Janitors During the Coronavirus

Photo by Verne Ho on Unsplash

Photo by Verne Ho on Unsplash

Dear Janitor, 

When I was a kid, my parents worked a bunch. We were still living in Hong Kong at the time. Mom taught at a private school and dad was a technician for a local telephone company. They were busy and my sister and I were often the last ones to get picked up from school. I remember getting to know the cleaning crew who could be heard vacuuming, emptying the trash, scrubbing. They were friendly and hard workers, like my parents. 

Fast forward a few decades. I’m at my first job out of grad school and I was often the last to leave. I got to befriend the janitors there. Hector was Filipino and John white. When John had a birthday, Hector and I sang him Happy Birthday. Eventually, John moved onto a different job. As did I, but it was hard to say goodbye to Hector. 

Now as a business owner, I still find myself leaving late. While I’ve gotten better at it, I do sometimes stay until the cleaning crew arrives. I love saying hi and bye to them because they’re hard workers and their jobs are very important. When they listen to music in their own language while they work, I feel right at home. They keep our offices very clean and they go above and beyond to vacuum our couches! 

I can’t appreciate them enough. 

I can’t appreciate you enough. 

You empty our hospital’s garbage, now containing infectious materials. You take extra care to scrub down every surface and disinfect door knobs, light switches, every nook and cranny to keep us safe, even if that means more work during each shift. During this health pandemic, you wonder if you might get infected and in turn get your family sick. Yet, you still show up; to provide for your family; to help the rest of us. 

You do your job well so we can do ours. For that, I can’t thank you enough. 

I hope you go home healthy to your family. 
